We love using BetterHawkeyeJobs.com, we have found some great employees, plus its quick and easy to use.
John Herrin
Site Leader
BIS Frucon Industrial Services Iowa City, IA
Working with our rep has always been a pleasure. Her quick responses, and her placement suggestions are a big help to me. Always a friendly voice and willingness to help! Thank you BetterHawkeyeJobs.com.
David Wilslef
Hometown Restyling
I really appreciate all the help we received from Better Hawkeye Jobs. The site was great for
us in getting our name out in the community. I feel that we got our money's worth out of your product and plan on using it in the future when we begin with our heavy recruiting season in the second half of 2011. We have been able to fill the majority of our open positions, largely in part to Better Hawkeye Jobs!
Curtis W.
General Manager
Durham School Services