We love using BetterHawkeyeJobs.com, we have found some great employees, plus its quick and easy to use.
John Herrin
Site Leader
BIS Frucon Industrial Services Iowa City, IA
Working with our rep has always been a pleasure. Her quick responses, and her placement suggestions are a big help to me. Always a friendly voice and willingness to help! Thank you BetterHawkeyeJobs.com.
David Wilslef
Hometown Restyling
Recruiting with Better Hawkeye Jobs has exceeded
our expectations. The response we received was a
chief factor in our ability to grow our staff in Q4
2010. I am truly grateful for the professionalism of
their team and for the value their product has
transferred to our recruiting efforts. With more
growth on the horizon in 2011, Better Hawkeye Jobs
will continue be our first call.
John B.